Monday, December 29, 2008
long time
well being that im on my friends to update their blogs, it dawned on me that kadee and I have not kept up on ours. so for that sorry and here is the latest. We had a great Thanksgiving, i worked a 24hr shift. Even though I was working kadee came up and we had dinner and hung out, the good news was we only had 3 calls while everyone was up. The bad news was I didnt sleep wink that night, we ran our butts off. Well whats next........Pastor Bob has finished up with his Phil series which was great and, or Life Group has finished up or lessons for the year. I cant wait to see where we are going as a church and as a Life group, we are so blessed to be where we are. Next up would be Christmas, and you will never guess what I did.....WORK. I was going to go in on the 25th for a24, but was called in early so went in on the 24th at 6pm. Kadee took advantage of this and drove up to see here family, she said she had a great time and even did a lil roof jumping(ask her she has photos). she then stopped by work on her way home on the 25th to say hi. then after she left I slept for a total of 1hr again. sorry if this gets bad now, i have a cat that wants to help me type to everyone. so that should bring everyone up to date with the going on's with the kidd family. we hope that everyone had a great Christmas oh and remember to slow down when the roads get bad please. im tired of being out when its bad just give yourself 10min extra to get where you need to go, cause i dont feel bad when you get to deal with me and that 10 min late turns into 45min late. see ya all later
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A loss.....
Ok so I know its been a while since we have posted and for that I am sorry. We had some wonderful news that came about 3 1/2 weeks ago, the news was we were expecting a for the bad news, due to unknown problems we will have to wait to hold our baby until Jesus takes us home to be with him. We found out about a week ago when I was sent in for an ultrasound due to some spotting that they could not locate the baby's heart beat, since then we were offically told yesterday (Monday, Nov 17) that their is in fact a baby in my belly however the baby does not have a heart beat. I have to tell you with never having even held our baby, I didn't relize how I could love someone I never met, and knew for such a short amount of time. I will be letting God do his own work in his own time for the baby to pass on. This however is not been an easy week with this knowledge but also finding out that my cousin, who was due with their baby 3 weeks before our baby was also dealing with the same thing that we were dealing with. They found out the news this past Thur that their baby no longer has a heart beat. So I guess you can say its been a rough week...all I ask right now is for prayer.
Love, Kadee
Love, Kadee
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
1 year down and 90 more to go.
So as i sit here jam'n to John Williams(if you can do that) I can not help but think about this last year. Last week Kadee and I went to see the new movie Fireproof, we recommend it to everyone to go see. It made me think of how grateful I am of all the Godly people in our lives who have helped us in our first year of marriage. We knew going into it that it would be hard and that the devil would do everything in his power to destroy what and who we are. Marriage is a hard thing and this has made me think about when and why it became easier to just get a divorce rather than trying to make it work. Now I do understand that not everyone in the world is a child of God and, follows his commands. But I'm not thinking about our lost friends, I was thinking about all the Christians that are joining the D-train. I know that there is always the adultery clause but how many times is that not the case? I guess my second big question is why have we let society influence us into going along with the fact that multiple Holidays with multiple families is not only ok, but the normal thing to do. Are we really that passive as to think,"if its broke don't fix it but, rather go get a new one." I must say that I did come from a split home, do I think things would have been different if I had had a dad probably, but I wouldn't have changed a thing. I had an amazing Mom with a strong relationship with God who Beat the Bible in me and made me go to church, where I meet some great godly men. Kadee and I have one year and 8 days of marriage and with all we have been through I couldn't imagine taking the easy road out. Why would I ant to wake up next to some other person, or share my life with someone other that her. I married her till death do us part(just to let you all know she took out a life ins. policy on me). We have 90 more years of marriage to make it through, and I'm sure we are going to have bumps in the road. Who dosent, and how lame would life be if their wasnt. I guess my only thought is that its time to hold our bros, and sis's to what God teaches us. Pastor Bob preached a sermon to us about our goals for the year at Cedar Street Church and, guess what the first goal was; you guessed it," a NO Divorce year of the families of our church". What an amazing goal to have, so why don't we make that a goal of the body of Christ. I know Kadee and I have taken this goal to heart and we are going to make sure that we don't become a statistic for the world to use against the church. Below is a recap I did for some of my friends and family who didn't make it to our wedding, feel free to go thought and if you have comment leave it we would love to hear from you.
A recap of last Oct. 13, 2007
I'm Back/Wedding Part 1
Well, I now write to you all as Matthew Kidd, HUSBAND of Kadee Kidd!!!!! If you didnt get the hint last Sat Kadee and I got married. I will try not to tell to much about it, as this is going to be a 4 part post about the whole event and cruise.So to start, I am back in the good old U.S.A. After getting married, my wife and I cought a plane and boat and left the country.(more on that later like Part 3) It is weird, I am in the living room of our home typing and Kadee is in our room sleeping. I cant believe that we are married, last week came so fast that I think everythimg is hitting me now and it is kinda cool. So we are home now.Part 1,well you can not have a wedding with out practice, and thats what we did fri the 12th. most of the people were there and we went to work. We lined up and ran the whole program from start to finish. We even had little dots up on the stage to tell us where to stand. After perfecting our roles for sat we sat down to a lite dinner of Pizza and salad, with the greatest cake I have ever tasted. I dont know where my mom got it but dude, it was.........great!!!! we then broke up and hit the road. That night I got to hang out with my mom one last time, we had a late night snack and just sat and talked. It was so nice, because it has been awhile since we did this last. After we finished up I headed back to my hotel room and tried to unwind. so after calling kadee, she came over for about 15 min and we exchanged gifts and said our goodbyes till the morn. Then after a night of 2ish ours of sleep I awoke to the sound of knocking at my door, who could it be? look out for wedding Part 2 to find who and what happend Sat oct 13, 2007Thats it for now see ya
The Wedding Part 2
So as I left off in part 1, I wake up Sat with a knock at the door. Trying to walk over to the door I thought at first that I might had over slept and was going to be in a world of hurt. So how shocked was I to open the door and see a huge smile from lil Jackson Cobb greeting me at the door. I had not over slept, it was just time to hand out with Jackson and Cobb. We went and got some food, watched a liltle T.V. and packed up for the big day that was here. I remember on the car ride to the church trying nto figure out if I was going to get hit with nerves or not. I knew that I had made the right choice, I mean Kadee and I should not have met. It was a total God thing that I went up to CMU the night i did and met her for the first time, so I knew God would not steer me wrong. Arriving at the church around 11 A.m. there wasnt to many people around, then it happend. Standing in the parking lot holding a bag in one hand and, a tux in the other a wasp landed on my chest and started to explore. Now this wouldnt be a big deal except im DEADLY allergic to them and i couldnt blow it off.(which made him a little mad) so I screamed for Cobb to help.... in what seemed like 10 min, he came and saved the day. Wow what a close one!!!So Cobb and I are in the church and I realize that all us dudes have the gym to ourselfs. Man how cool is God I can Play B-ball all the way up till the service starts, yea. Getting changed it started to hit me, Im not at a friends wedding, Im at mine. so I did the only thing I knew to do, I went and played B-ball with God. Shooting the ball while praying was great, I was doing something physical while talking with God trying to calm my nerves. Then little by little my dudes start to arrive, then Jill comes in to tell me that we are going to do pics and it is time to see kadee for the first time. I know that its not right for the groom to see his bride before but, it was are wedding and we did what we wanted to do. As I was walking with Mrs. Border to see kadee I realized that my hand was shaking. I mean come on, I have done manly things at the fire station, I have trainned with the Tac team in our county and im shaking on the day of my wedding. So now Im standing with my back to the pews waiting for kadee and I hear her talking to someone as she walks down to me. I hear her stop not more than ten feet from me and tell me to turn around.The only people in the church at this time is the photo guy, me and, my bride. So I turn around and wow. Im not the person to not beable to talk but, words can not discribe my bride that day. I mean even now I have a slight tear in my eye at the thought of her that day. She was.....perfect, the only way I could discribe her would be; you know in romantic movies when the girl walks down the stairs and everyone stairs at her well that was me. standing with my mouth open looking at my princessin all her beauty. man I just had to sit and talk to her for the 3 min we had alone to compose myself. Then it was back to getting ready for the wedding. more to come about the wedding in part 3, stay tunned.
the Wedding part 3
So now that pictures are done and, it is almost 1hr before the big event Kadee and I go back in to hiding. As I walk back to the gym where we dudes were playing b-ball I only remember the image of Kadee when I first turned around and saw her. It now dawns on me that I should eat something cause, I really do not want to drop in front of everyone. So Cobb and I got some cake, a Mt. Dew(which for all who were there saw that I shouldn't of had) and, took a walk outside. It was such a perfect day out, the sky was clear, the temp was just right and, there was a slight breeze coming in. Now up to this point I have been doing ok, I mean dont get me wrong my nerves were up but, not to bad. Not untill Dad Border came back all dressed up and told me of the large amount of people did I start to freak out. Looking out the door I still saw a huge line of people trying to be seated, crap that is a lot of people.As Justin and Pastor Dave prayed for me right before we went out it all hit me. This is not one of my friends weddings, Im the groom, I am going to walk out of this room and marry Kadee. Lining up out side the door I remember Cobb and Big Daddy talking to me I just cant remember what they said. Walking my Mom and Mrs. Border up to light the candles I got to see just how many people were there. Its funny, in movies I remember how they can make time slow down and even stop. this is what was happening, the next thing I realize is Matt and Jill walking down, then Chewie and Squirt. Then the doors shut, Oh man now comes Kadee and her dad. As her mother stands so does every person in the room, all heads turn in the direction that I am looking. There id Kadee, my bride walking down to me with a HUGE smile looking right at me. Tears start to form in my eyes, and I look away for a mim at lil Jackson Cobb to try to blink them away but it doesn't work. Now she and her dad are right in front of me and I here," Who gives this girl away?"" Her mother and I" Mr. Border responds, and that is that, walking up the stairs with kadee I toke a huge breath. This is it, we are getting married. I dont remember much of the things said, I remember looking at Kadee and saying my vows. I kinda remember the song Matt and Jill wrote and sang, then I remember looking to chewie and him giving me a ring. At this point as I slip it on her finger, it is like I cant even talk. Im trying to repeat after justin but, the words just wont come out.(and the tears were trying to come back) Now I here Justin say I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kidd, you may kiss your bride. Really, I can kiss kadee in front of people, heck yes, and then it is over. From start to finish the whole thing took 37 min, or if you were me 2hr23min. We then turn around to what seems like a million people clapping, yelling, and walk out. I just married my best friend, man the emotions that hit me as we hit the door were.......well indescribable. After dismissing everyone that came we took one min to ourselves while everyone was outside waiting. I remember taking Kadees hand looking her right in the eye and asking,"Are you ready to do this Mrs. Kidd?" "For the rest of my life Mr. Kidd!!!" The doors open to the outside and we leave the and jump right in a SUV and take off to have a few pics taken outdoors. After these are done its off to the second best time of the day, DINNER!
The Wedding Part 4
So on to part 4,After the Pics in the park it is off to the dinner of the year.(for all who was there, you know what i mean.) On the way to the hall I kept thinking, wow im sitting next to my wife! Arriving at the hall I found an old Fire truck wait ting for Kadee and I to have some of our last pics taken on. How cool is that, to have a Fire truck, dude that was sweet. Now its time for us to make our entrance, after the wedding party I hear them call our name. Walking into the hall the number of people there was amazing. as we went up in took our place at the head table it only took 3.6 sec until the sound of tapping on glasses. heck yea ill kiss kadee. after all the kissing, it was time to eat and, man the food was good, i mean 2 plates full good. it was so nice to look out over dinner and see all these people who came to be with us on our day.Now if you thought dinner was all that happened, man were you wrong. After Kadee and I were done with dinner we hit the crowed, after all we wanted to talk to everyone there.(sorry if we missed you) While we were talking I realized that in only a matter of min I would be having a dance with my wife. As the music started all I could see was Kadee walking to me. Then we started to dance, looking around all I saw were friends and family watching my bride. Man she was and still is hott, and she was mine.(just a hint as to what she had put on my ring) How nice, to be dancing with the one you love, then the music changed and the bridal party came out and danced.After this, I was able to dance with my mom, what a nice time. I was able to thank her for all she had done for me and tell her again how nice she looked. After this came the moment everyone was waiting for, Kadee and her Daddy. I must admit I had to leave just for a min, because at the sight of seeing him with his baby I did tear up. I hope Ican live up to at least half the Man he is. What a great site, just Mr. Border and Kadee, one day a long time from now, long time I may know what he was thinking if God blesses us with a lil girl. Then just like that it was over, Kadee and I changed and left to head to Detroit to crash for the night , and fly out for our honeymoon. See that in Part 5
The Wedding Part 5
Well after much food, dance and time with friends and family it was time to leave. As my wife and I changed and said our good bye's, I still could not help but think that my wife and I were now on our way to a cruise ship. We arrived in Detroit around midnight and then were up bright and early at 4 to park the car and head to the airport. Waiting for the airplane I remember sitting by Kadee and thinking that we were finally going on vacation, no calls from the fire dept, sheriff office, work, nothing and, sorry everyone it was a great feeling. Now we land in NYC, what a great city that Kadee and I both have a heart for. This is where we got to have our first romantic breakfast at Mc d's, with a crap ton of luggage to kill time(3 hrs just to let you know) As the taxi pulled in to the dock yard, we saw 2 of the biggest ships we had ever seen. theses things were.......well floating citys, even though our ship wasnt as big it was still huge. The best part was when we arrived 2hrs early they let us in to check in and board the ship, now are room wasnt going to be ready till but, we had time to sit, eat and, explore the ship. now its time to go.Leaving NYC the sky line was amazing, then we passed by Lady Liberty and it was on to open ocean. What a great sunny day to be out and see the coast line. By now we had gotten in our room and unpacked, and were ready for food.After eating we cough a movie and went to bed early. Day 2 was pretty uneventful, we got up around 12 cleaned up and hit the ship. We found out where all the restaurants were, found the stage, and main areas were, and all the pools, hot tubes were. Day three we awoke to be in St. George, this was a nice little town. After eating on the ship, we took off to see the sites. Now I must say there were amazing things we saw, but dude it was up hill both ways for real. Heading to a beach we came across the unfinished church. it was a church started in the 1800s and never finished due to weather and a church split.(go figure) we then hit up St. Cathrine's beach and milked every moment there. It was a great day, 80 sunny and the water was wow. around 3 or so after many hrs in the sun we headed to a place to eat and then headed back up hill to the ship for the night. We decided to clean up and go to a sit down place to eat this night, so we did. waiting in line I so hoped we were sat with cool people and boy did God come through. We met 2 other couples and had dinner with them, they were nice and talked with us for a while. then after they left we had a group of New England Ladies sit down and wow. You talk about all things stereotype they were, their poop didnt stink and they wanted nothing to do with us, so we finished and left. That night we then went and cough one of the live shows and called it a night.The next day we awoke to be in the capital city of Hamilton. We now were in all things urban, it was like being in a small NYC. The only difference was how nice the people of Bermuda were. Day one of 2 here Kadee and I spent walking around and we spent the best 20 dollars of our life's. We bought bus and ferry passes, we could now go ANYWHERE on the island and didnt have to walk.(yea) We then went to a lil garden right in town and mapped out the next day, which was well you will see. Heading back to the ship, we couldnt help but wish we could meet the cool people again, and we so did. We were right in back of them in line and they wanted to eat with us. Yea we had cool people to eat with, no more mean people. Dinner was great, we sat around talking about life, and each other and the decided to change and all meet and catch the show that night. After that it was time to hit up the midnight buffet!!!!!!!Day 2 in Hamilton was packed, we hit up a Botanical Garden that puts anything I had been in to shame. It was huge, Kadee and I spent almost 2.5 hrs in it and didnt see it all.(sorry we did this day 1 my bad) Next we decided to head to the east side of the Island to the Museum, aquarium, and zoo for awhile. They had an amazing zoo/aquarium, we saw everything from snakes, to alligators, all kinds of birds, seals and, a crap load of fish. what a great time, after this we cough a bus back into town(30min ride) to head 30 min to the west to horseshoe bay beach. This was an amazing sight, the sand was pink the water was blue, and my wife looked so hot, could you ask for anything else in life? We spent three of the best hrs so far in our married life there. The waves were huge and knocked us over at times. Although we didnt get to many photos of it with the digital, we bought and underwater camera and got some cool photos ill have to scan and get up that way. We then headed back to the boat to go to a new restaurant without the cool people, it was called Chopsticks.(can you guess what they served?) It was ok, we'll just say that room servise was called that night. We then called it a night, man were we whipped after a long day.The last day we got up early and headed out into town to buy t-shirts and what nots before the ship left around 12. We had a nice lunch and layed out for a while before heading down to our room to clean up and meet our cool new friends for dinner and a show. Dinner and the show were fun, we then sat around and talked then called it a night. we then git up and layed out again but, only for a little while because it was time for the chocolate buffet. Imagine walking into a room to the sight and smell of 750lbs of pure goodness in front of you. Holy crap is all I can say 2 plate fulls we headed up to a deck and sat and eat a lot. wHAT A GREAT TIME. The next day We awoke to the end of a storm and 25-30 foot waves, we'll just say that Kadee stayed in bed for a while. Walking around the ship I decided I would go outside, wow was this different. walking up to the bow of the ship the wind almost knocked me over, im not the smallest person in the world but still had to hold on or hit the ground. In the process of walking I happend to look over at the monster wake we would make and saw a pod of 15-20 dolphins playing in the waves. Isnt it like God to in the midst of a crappy day to still find away to make you smile and show how cool he is. We then had our last meal with our cool friends this night and went to our last show, in the morn would be NYC and a huge layover at JFK.Heading back to the airport in the taxi it was weird to not be in the water. when we arrived around 11 at the airport we killed 5hrs by reading and watching football on the tv. Before we new it we were in the air and in Detroit, then at our car and on the road to our home. Arriving at home we were thrown back to reality, work a leaking roof, and the washer almost catching on fire. Man isnt God good, the following 4 days after getting back we had every reason to fight. But we just prayed, and leaned on God for our strength, held hands and together pushed right through all the problems we had. This has to be the best part of being married, having a best friend to be with you in good times and bad to help you through them. I hope you have enjoyed a look into our wedding and trip to Bermuda. I will try to get the pics up soon, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them.
Well, I now write to you all as Matthew Kidd, HUSBAND of Kadee Kidd!!!!! If you didnt get the hint last Sat Kadee and I got married. I will try not to tell to much about it, as this is going to be a 4 part post about the whole event and cruise.So to start, I am back in the good old U.S.A. After getting married, my wife and I cought a plane and boat and left the country.(more on that later like Part 3) It is weird, I am in the living room of our home typing and Kadee is in our room sleeping. I cant believe that we are married, last week came so fast that I think everythimg is hitting me now and it is kinda cool. So we are home now.Part 1,well you can not have a wedding with out practice, and thats what we did fri the 12th. most of the people were there and we went to work. We lined up and ran the whole program from start to finish. We even had little dots up on the stage to tell us where to stand. After perfecting our roles for sat we sat down to a lite dinner of Pizza and salad, with the greatest cake I have ever tasted. I dont know where my mom got it but dude, it was.........great!!!! we then broke up and hit the road. That night I got to hang out with my mom one last time, we had a late night snack and just sat and talked. It was so nice, because it has been awhile since we did this last. After we finished up I headed back to my hotel room and tried to unwind. so after calling kadee, she came over for about 15 min and we exchanged gifts and said our goodbyes till the morn. Then after a night of 2ish ours of sleep I awoke to the sound of knocking at my door, who could it be? look out for wedding Part 2 to find who and what happend Sat oct 13, 2007Thats it for now see ya
The Wedding Part 2
So as I left off in part 1, I wake up Sat with a knock at the door. Trying to walk over to the door I thought at first that I might had over slept and was going to be in a world of hurt. So how shocked was I to open the door and see a huge smile from lil Jackson Cobb greeting me at the door. I had not over slept, it was just time to hand out with Jackson and Cobb. We went and got some food, watched a liltle T.V. and packed up for the big day that was here. I remember on the car ride to the church trying nto figure out if I was going to get hit with nerves or not. I knew that I had made the right choice, I mean Kadee and I should not have met. It was a total God thing that I went up to CMU the night i did and met her for the first time, so I knew God would not steer me wrong. Arriving at the church around 11 A.m. there wasnt to many people around, then it happend. Standing in the parking lot holding a bag in one hand and, a tux in the other a wasp landed on my chest and started to explore. Now this wouldnt be a big deal except im DEADLY allergic to them and i couldnt blow it off.(which made him a little mad) so I screamed for Cobb to help.... in what seemed like 10 min, he came and saved the day. Wow what a close one!!!So Cobb and I are in the church and I realize that all us dudes have the gym to ourselfs. Man how cool is God I can Play B-ball all the way up till the service starts, yea. Getting changed it started to hit me, Im not at a friends wedding, Im at mine. so I did the only thing I knew to do, I went and played B-ball with God. Shooting the ball while praying was great, I was doing something physical while talking with God trying to calm my nerves. Then little by little my dudes start to arrive, then Jill comes in to tell me that we are going to do pics and it is time to see kadee for the first time. I know that its not right for the groom to see his bride before but, it was are wedding and we did what we wanted to do. As I was walking with Mrs. Border to see kadee I realized that my hand was shaking. I mean come on, I have done manly things at the fire station, I have trainned with the Tac team in our county and im shaking on the day of my wedding. So now Im standing with my back to the pews waiting for kadee and I hear her talking to someone as she walks down to me. I hear her stop not more than ten feet from me and tell me to turn around.The only people in the church at this time is the photo guy, me and, my bride. So I turn around and wow. Im not the person to not beable to talk but, words can not discribe my bride that day. I mean even now I have a slight tear in my eye at the thought of her that day. She was.....perfect, the only way I could discribe her would be; you know in romantic movies when the girl walks down the stairs and everyone stairs at her well that was me. standing with my mouth open looking at my princessin all her beauty. man I just had to sit and talk to her for the 3 min we had alone to compose myself. Then it was back to getting ready for the wedding. more to come about the wedding in part 3, stay tunned.
the Wedding part 3
So now that pictures are done and, it is almost 1hr before the big event Kadee and I go back in to hiding. As I walk back to the gym where we dudes were playing b-ball I only remember the image of Kadee when I first turned around and saw her. It now dawns on me that I should eat something cause, I really do not want to drop in front of everyone. So Cobb and I got some cake, a Mt. Dew(which for all who were there saw that I shouldn't of had) and, took a walk outside. It was such a perfect day out, the sky was clear, the temp was just right and, there was a slight breeze coming in. Now up to this point I have been doing ok, I mean dont get me wrong my nerves were up but, not to bad. Not untill Dad Border came back all dressed up and told me of the large amount of people did I start to freak out. Looking out the door I still saw a huge line of people trying to be seated, crap that is a lot of people.As Justin and Pastor Dave prayed for me right before we went out it all hit me. This is not one of my friends weddings, Im the groom, I am going to walk out of this room and marry Kadee. Lining up out side the door I remember Cobb and Big Daddy talking to me I just cant remember what they said. Walking my Mom and Mrs. Border up to light the candles I got to see just how many people were there. Its funny, in movies I remember how they can make time slow down and even stop. this is what was happening, the next thing I realize is Matt and Jill walking down, then Chewie and Squirt. Then the doors shut, Oh man now comes Kadee and her dad. As her mother stands so does every person in the room, all heads turn in the direction that I am looking. There id Kadee, my bride walking down to me with a HUGE smile looking right at me. Tears start to form in my eyes, and I look away for a mim at lil Jackson Cobb to try to blink them away but it doesn't work. Now she and her dad are right in front of me and I here," Who gives this girl away?"" Her mother and I" Mr. Border responds, and that is that, walking up the stairs with kadee I toke a huge breath. This is it, we are getting married. I dont remember much of the things said, I remember looking at Kadee and saying my vows. I kinda remember the song Matt and Jill wrote and sang, then I remember looking to chewie and him giving me a ring. At this point as I slip it on her finger, it is like I cant even talk. Im trying to repeat after justin but, the words just wont come out.(and the tears were trying to come back) Now I here Justin say I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kidd, you may kiss your bride. Really, I can kiss kadee in front of people, heck yes, and then it is over. From start to finish the whole thing took 37 min, or if you were me 2hr23min. We then turn around to what seems like a million people clapping, yelling, and walk out. I just married my best friend, man the emotions that hit me as we hit the door were.......well indescribable. After dismissing everyone that came we took one min to ourselves while everyone was outside waiting. I remember taking Kadees hand looking her right in the eye and asking,"Are you ready to do this Mrs. Kidd?" "For the rest of my life Mr. Kidd!!!" The doors open to the outside and we leave the and jump right in a SUV and take off to have a few pics taken outdoors. After these are done its off to the second best time of the day, DINNER!
The Wedding Part 4
So on to part 4,After the Pics in the park it is off to the dinner of the year.(for all who was there, you know what i mean.) On the way to the hall I kept thinking, wow im sitting next to my wife! Arriving at the hall I found an old Fire truck wait ting for Kadee and I to have some of our last pics taken on. How cool is that, to have a Fire truck, dude that was sweet. Now its time for us to make our entrance, after the wedding party I hear them call our name. Walking into the hall the number of people there was amazing. as we went up in took our place at the head table it only took 3.6 sec until the sound of tapping on glasses. heck yea ill kiss kadee. after all the kissing, it was time to eat and, man the food was good, i mean 2 plates full good. it was so nice to look out over dinner and see all these people who came to be with us on our day.Now if you thought dinner was all that happened, man were you wrong. After Kadee and I were done with dinner we hit the crowed, after all we wanted to talk to everyone there.(sorry if we missed you) While we were talking I realized that in only a matter of min I would be having a dance with my wife. As the music started all I could see was Kadee walking to me. Then we started to dance, looking around all I saw were friends and family watching my bride. Man she was and still is hott, and she was mine.(just a hint as to what she had put on my ring) How nice, to be dancing with the one you love, then the music changed and the bridal party came out and danced.After this, I was able to dance with my mom, what a nice time. I was able to thank her for all she had done for me and tell her again how nice she looked. After this came the moment everyone was waiting for, Kadee and her Daddy. I must admit I had to leave just for a min, because at the sight of seeing him with his baby I did tear up. I hope Ican live up to at least half the Man he is. What a great site, just Mr. Border and Kadee, one day a long time from now, long time I may know what he was thinking if God blesses us with a lil girl. Then just like that it was over, Kadee and I changed and left to head to Detroit to crash for the night , and fly out for our honeymoon. See that in Part 5
The Wedding Part 5
Well after much food, dance and time with friends and family it was time to leave. As my wife and I changed and said our good bye's, I still could not help but think that my wife and I were now on our way to a cruise ship. We arrived in Detroit around midnight and then were up bright and early at 4 to park the car and head to the airport. Waiting for the airplane I remember sitting by Kadee and thinking that we were finally going on vacation, no calls from the fire dept, sheriff office, work, nothing and, sorry everyone it was a great feeling. Now we land in NYC, what a great city that Kadee and I both have a heart for. This is where we got to have our first romantic breakfast at Mc d's, with a crap ton of luggage to kill time(3 hrs just to let you know) As the taxi pulled in to the dock yard, we saw 2 of the biggest ships we had ever seen. theses things were.......well floating citys, even though our ship wasnt as big it was still huge. The best part was when we arrived 2hrs early they let us in to check in and board the ship, now are room wasnt going to be ready till but, we had time to sit, eat and, explore the ship. now its time to go.Leaving NYC the sky line was amazing, then we passed by Lady Liberty and it was on to open ocean. What a great sunny day to be out and see the coast line. By now we had gotten in our room and unpacked, and were ready for food.After eating we cough a movie and went to bed early. Day 2 was pretty uneventful, we got up around 12 cleaned up and hit the ship. We found out where all the restaurants were, found the stage, and main areas were, and all the pools, hot tubes were. Day three we awoke to be in St. George, this was a nice little town. After eating on the ship, we took off to see the sites. Now I must say there were amazing things we saw, but dude it was up hill both ways for real. Heading to a beach we came across the unfinished church. it was a church started in the 1800s and never finished due to weather and a church split.(go figure) we then hit up St. Cathrine's beach and milked every moment there. It was a great day, 80 sunny and the water was wow. around 3 or so after many hrs in the sun we headed to a place to eat and then headed back up hill to the ship for the night. We decided to clean up and go to a sit down place to eat this night, so we did. waiting in line I so hoped we were sat with cool people and boy did God come through. We met 2 other couples and had dinner with them, they were nice and talked with us for a while. then after they left we had a group of New England Ladies sit down and wow. You talk about all things stereotype they were, their poop didnt stink and they wanted nothing to do with us, so we finished and left. That night we then went and cough one of the live shows and called it a night.The next day we awoke to be in the capital city of Hamilton. We now were in all things urban, it was like being in a small NYC. The only difference was how nice the people of Bermuda were. Day one of 2 here Kadee and I spent walking around and we spent the best 20 dollars of our life's. We bought bus and ferry passes, we could now go ANYWHERE on the island and didnt have to walk.(yea) We then went to a lil garden right in town and mapped out the next day, which was well you will see. Heading back to the ship, we couldnt help but wish we could meet the cool people again, and we so did. We were right in back of them in line and they wanted to eat with us. Yea we had cool people to eat with, no more mean people. Dinner was great, we sat around talking about life, and each other and the decided to change and all meet and catch the show that night. After that it was time to hit up the midnight buffet!!!!!!!Day 2 in Hamilton was packed, we hit up a Botanical Garden that puts anything I had been in to shame. It was huge, Kadee and I spent almost 2.5 hrs in it and didnt see it all.(sorry we did this day 1 my bad) Next we decided to head to the east side of the Island to the Museum, aquarium, and zoo for awhile. They had an amazing zoo/aquarium, we saw everything from snakes, to alligators, all kinds of birds, seals and, a crap load of fish. what a great time, after this we cough a bus back into town(30min ride) to head 30 min to the west to horseshoe bay beach. This was an amazing sight, the sand was pink the water was blue, and my wife looked so hot, could you ask for anything else in life? We spent three of the best hrs so far in our married life there. The waves were huge and knocked us over at times. Although we didnt get to many photos of it with the digital, we bought and underwater camera and got some cool photos ill have to scan and get up that way. We then headed back to the boat to go to a new restaurant without the cool people, it was called Chopsticks.(can you guess what they served?) It was ok, we'll just say that room servise was called that night. We then called it a night, man were we whipped after a long day.The last day we got up early and headed out into town to buy t-shirts and what nots before the ship left around 12. We had a nice lunch and layed out for a while before heading down to our room to clean up and meet our cool new friends for dinner and a show. Dinner and the show were fun, we then sat around and talked then called it a night. we then git up and layed out again but, only for a little while because it was time for the chocolate buffet. Imagine walking into a room to the sight and smell of 750lbs of pure goodness in front of you. Holy crap is all I can say 2 plate fulls we headed up to a deck and sat and eat a lot. wHAT A GREAT TIME. The next day We awoke to the end of a storm and 25-30 foot waves, we'll just say that Kadee stayed in bed for a while. Walking around the ship I decided I would go outside, wow was this different. walking up to the bow of the ship the wind almost knocked me over, im not the smallest person in the world but still had to hold on or hit the ground. In the process of walking I happend to look over at the monster wake we would make and saw a pod of 15-20 dolphins playing in the waves. Isnt it like God to in the midst of a crappy day to still find away to make you smile and show how cool he is. We then had our last meal with our cool friends this night and went to our last show, in the morn would be NYC and a huge layover at JFK.Heading back to the airport in the taxi it was weird to not be in the water. when we arrived around 11 at the airport we killed 5hrs by reading and watching football on the tv. Before we new it we were in the air and in Detroit, then at our car and on the road to our home. Arriving at home we were thrown back to reality, work a leaking roof, and the washer almost catching on fire. Man isnt God good, the following 4 days after getting back we had every reason to fight. But we just prayed, and leaned on God for our strength, held hands and together pushed right through all the problems we had. This has to be the best part of being married, having a best friend to be with you in good times and bad to help you through them. I hope you have enjoyed a look into our wedding and trip to Bermuda. I will try to get the pics up soon, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Loss of Hannah and Brody
A friend of mine (Kadee) from high school Hannah Vanacker and her stillborn son passed away. Please keep the family in your prayers, as baby Brody had not yet been born into the world yet, and mom was a week away from her due date. I can't even imagine the depth of such a loss. The obit can be found at
May God Bless this family as they mourn over the loss of a daughter, sister, and friend, as well as the loss of a grandbaby they never had the greatest honor of meeting. I pray that one day the family will be reunited in heaven.
Love, Kadee and Matt Kidd
May God Bless this family as they mourn over the loss of a daughter, sister, and friend, as well as the loss of a grandbaby they never had the greatest honor of meeting. I pray that one day the family will be reunited in heaven.
Love, Kadee and Matt Kidd
Monday, August 18, 2008
Whats new...
Lets see, not much has happened since we last posted, umm Matt is working pretty good hours, so weeks its over 70 and other weeks its about 24, but he gets called in a lot so that helps bring him up to full time hours!!! :D We are very thankful for this job that God blessed us with. As of right now we have placed our house up for sale and are waiting on God's direction as to where to move!! I am still working for pharmacy plus and I have been there for almost 11 months, its been a little stressful lately but God has opened up a chance for me to have an interview with Sparrow Regional Medical Supply in the billing dept, which is a set schedule and no weekends or holidays!!! So please say a prayer as to whatever God wants that where I will go. Mary Kay is going ok a little slow right now, but then I don't have much time to put into it right now. Besides I have come down with the common cold, so I sound pretty horrible, and therefore do not really want to make lots of phone calls to see if anyone wants a free facial!!! So if you would like a free facial let me know and I would love to set up a time to get together and meet with you!!!
Other than that nothing much is going on, just work, work and more work!!! :D
God Bless you all!!
Love, Kadee
Other than that nothing much is going on, just work, work and more work!!! :D
God Bless you all!!
Love, Kadee
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Long shifts
Hey everyone,
sorry it has been awhile, I honesty have been to lazy to post anything. So I guess a quick recap on life, Our friend Steph got married, I have been working long shifts(a 30hr one this weekend), Kadee has done very very well so far in Mary Kay and, we had one free sat to do nothing!!!!! This next week is going to bee a long week as we have the 4-H youth fair in St Johns, ill be doing medical stand By for it along with my normal 24 and 18 hour shifts, then next week we have the Mint Festival. These make for long weeks of over time, but I cant complain because I am making money to help our family.(yea) Even though the shifts are long, i like be able to work 2 days a week and being done. It gives me time to still be at home and do house work and run more calls with Bath Fire. Well Kadee and I have some big plans that we have been praying about, so if you all could pray with us we would be very thankful. that's it for now.
sorry it has been awhile, I honesty have been to lazy to post anything. So I guess a quick recap on life, Our friend Steph got married, I have been working long shifts(a 30hr one this weekend), Kadee has done very very well so far in Mary Kay and, we had one free sat to do nothing!!!!! This next week is going to bee a long week as we have the 4-H youth fair in St Johns, ill be doing medical stand By for it along with my normal 24 and 18 hour shifts, then next week we have the Mint Festival. These make for long weeks of over time, but I cant complain because I am making money to help our family.(yea) Even though the shifts are long, i like be able to work 2 days a week and being done. It gives me time to still be at home and do house work and run more calls with Bath Fire. Well Kadee and I have some big plans that we have been praying about, so if you all could pray with us we would be very thankful. that's it for now.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Whats New!
Not much has happened since the last post,
we are just working and enjoying life, this past weekend Matt and I took a long weekend and went up to the Big Ticket Festival. Oh my goodness was it amazing!!!! This will be something that we will do again, how awesome it was to be rocking all weekend for God!
New to us is that I (Kadee) have just signed up for Mary Kay and I am enjoying it so far. I signed up on Monday and I have been trying to talk to as many people as possible and trying to get as many orders as I can for my first order that I am placing after my debut party this Sunday! If anyone can make it my first party is June 29, 2008 at 2pm at the Fairlane Professional Building in Lansing. Please feel free to visit my website which is right now the pay with credit card option is down until hopefully sometime next week, but feel free to drop me a line and I will honor any deal that is on my website. Feel free to ask me any questions about anything, I will do my best to help you in any way that I can. You can e-mail me at Please be praying for Matt and I as this is a new adventure in our lives and I am praying for great sucess at my debut party as well as in the future!!!
Love, Matt and Kadee
we are just working and enjoying life, this past weekend Matt and I took a long weekend and went up to the Big Ticket Festival. Oh my goodness was it amazing!!!! This will be something that we will do again, how awesome it was to be rocking all weekend for God!
New to us is that I (Kadee) have just signed up for Mary Kay and I am enjoying it so far. I signed up on Monday and I have been trying to talk to as many people as possible and trying to get as many orders as I can for my first order that I am placing after my debut party this Sunday! If anyone can make it my first party is June 29, 2008 at 2pm at the Fairlane Professional Building in Lansing. Please feel free to visit my website which is right now the pay with credit card option is down until hopefully sometime next week, but feel free to drop me a line and I will honor any deal that is on my website. Feel free to ask me any questions about anything, I will do my best to help you in any way that I can. You can e-mail me at Please be praying for Matt and I as this is a new adventure in our lives and I am praying for great sucess at my debut party as well as in the future!!!
Love, Matt and Kadee
Friday, June 6, 2008
Wonderful weekend


I have been keeping myself busy between work and work. I have a new hobby that I have working on and its been finished. I have been working on a blanket it was something that I bought all together with a friend when we went shopping, it was a complete package that I had to cut to correct size and then had to sew together. My mom wanted to see the finished product so I have taken a couple pictures to show you all. My sister has already placed her request for one thats bigger and with ducks and silk. So I guess I will be busy making blankets. This to me is a plus now that Matt has a job this will be something that I can work on while he is gone.
I can't tell you how proud of Matt I am, he passed his test and I am so thankful that he did so well. God is so awesome that right after Matt passed his test a day or two later he was given a job!!!! Wow God is so amazing, words can not tell how thankful that I am for the work that God has done in ou life as well as what he has planned for the future!!!
Great News all around!!!!!
Hey everyone,
well I hope ounce again that your week has been as BLESSED as ours has been. To start off, as i talked about last week, I am going to loose some weight. Well today was the day and the scale said..................232lbs, that would be 11lbs lighter than last week. Yea now I am very sure that all weeks will not be as good as this one but, ill keep on keeping. Now our next good news will blow your sock off, I got a job!!!!! I took my Boards on Mon of this week and Tue morn found out that I passed. Then Wed I took a trip up to St.Johns to grab an App. from a friend who Hired me on the spot, Dude isnt God oh so Good! I can put as many hrs as I want this summer and they are going to work around my college classes next year man I am still on cloud nine. I believe that I will start my 120 hrs or orientation this next week and will go full time when it is done. The shift run from 6hr, 12hr, or 24hrs so I should be able to knock out a huge chunk this week with some 24's, then it is off to making my own Hrs, could I ask for a better Job. Well that is it for now, not like anything went on this week. see ya
well I hope ounce again that your week has been as BLESSED as ours has been. To start off, as i talked about last week, I am going to loose some weight. Well today was the day and the scale said..................232lbs, that would be 11lbs lighter than last week. Yea now I am very sure that all weeks will not be as good as this one but, ill keep on keeping. Now our next good news will blow your sock off, I got a job!!!!! I took my Boards on Mon of this week and Tue morn found out that I passed. Then Wed I took a trip up to St.Johns to grab an App. from a friend who Hired me on the spot, Dude isnt God oh so Good! I can put as many hrs as I want this summer and they are going to work around my college classes next year man I am still on cloud nine. I believe that I will start my 120 hrs or orientation this next week and will go full time when it is done. The shift run from 6hr, 12hr, or 24hrs so I should be able to knock out a huge chunk this week with some 24's, then it is off to making my own Hrs, could I ask for a better Job. Well that is it for now, not like anything went on this week. see ya
Friday, May 30, 2008
Big Weekend
Hey everyone I hope your weekend was as fun as the Kidd's. This weekend we had what was to start the parents and Pastor Ron over, but that turned in to 20 more people coming over for a cook out at our place. I must say that even with the gigantic number of people, it was nice to have the space to have them over.As you can see below, we grilled, baked and, eat out in the back yard. With baby full and moms and dads ready for a nap we all said our good-byes and called it a night. With the holiday being here that means it is time for the pool to be opened which , is where the Mercers and we went. Now I dont consider myself to be a baby, but dude was the pool almost freezing!!!!!!!! I myself have a pretty good amount of pudgy on me and I was COLD!!!! So we didnt stay in long, then headed back and watched Juno and had ice cream.(right I know) Other than that not much else has gone on around here, im not going to be able to run in our 1st 5k this year. As I continue to run here at home I just cant justify taking the risk of my ankle. It is better, but is only 70% or so. Im going to still lightly train and hope top do the next one in 20 days. The weight loss is slow, after realizing that my 2 biggest problems are portion control and laziness I have really taken to heart trying to not let them master me any more. After talking with my Doctor he brought to my attention the need to do "preventive maintenance". I must say as dumb as that sounded it really made sense to me, shock here, im not getting younger in life. The thing I use to be able to do, or the crap I use to eat isnt lost at the same rate it ounce was. so why put in a ton of crap when I can only get rid of a half a ton, the math doesn't lie. On top of that it is not like I do not have a stressful job, and I new that going in to it that is no excuse. The number one killer in fire fighter deaths on and off, yes off the job is Cardiac Arrest, so you better believe that I am going to do all I can to assure as much as in my hands that I am going to be around for my grand kids, and retirement, all by a little preventative maintenance. My goal is to take my Body Mass Index from a 33 to a 25, and my weight down from 243 to 185ish. I know i am shooting for the sky, but I know I can do it. I have great friends and family that are always here for me. Wish me well and I will take all the prayers in the world to help out as well, thanks in advance. see ya
New addition to the family
Hey everyone Kadee and I would like to announce the arrival of the newest member to the Kidd family. He comes in at a whopping 15lbs, a bright orange coat and is a lover, may we present Max to you.(or new cat, I know what you all were thinking:) Yes we have acquired a very cool cat and, i must say that he and the dog are best of friends. As you can see by the photos below, Max has made himself right at home, from the shower, to even the dogs bed. I must say it is nice having him around, the dog is going to be 13 next month and isn't as..............spunky as he was, at least until he and the cat play, but then it is time for a nap. Well that is it for now.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
hey y'all
why hello once again from the Kidd house. I hope everyone week has been as fun as ours has been. The big reason for our post today is to ask for everyones prayers, there are two lovely members of Cedar Street with us who's daughter has some health problems. Ava Michelle Saade was born to Eddie and Nicole earlier this month, and with the Lords help is kicking stronger each day. I have put a new link up to the left of our Post for her blog so you can all keep the Saade family in your prayers, as well as get updated from the family on how she is.( or you can click here for her blog.) I am so glad we serve a God that is so big he can bring his children together via blogs and the Internet. I am a firm believer in the POWER of prayer and know it is only a matter of time before lil Ava is better and is in her terrible 2 running Eddie and Nicole into the ground. So thank you for all the prayers that are to come, ill keep you updated as much as I can, but would suggest using Ava's Blog. As for the Kidd's not a whole lot has happened, I had graduation on Monday. That was a great time to see slide shows and, videos that the staff had made for us, My mom and Kadee's parents came down for it and a tasty lunch after. Now that I am all done with classes i have only 2 tests before AIm good to work, a national Board and, a Tri-county protocol test. That is us this last week in a nut shell, thanks much and see you all next time.
Sorry It has been awhile
Well what has been going on in the Kidd house hold? Hope you have a min or 2 because you are about to find out!!!! Well we did move as you can see in some of the Pics posted. The new place is only 8 or so lots away which made the move a little better than loading a truck up. My friend Jon came over and with the help of a dolly and walking stuff down the road were able to move almost everything in one night. Thanks to Jon, the Borders and, My Mom for the help with the move. Our new place is a 3 bed, 2bath place that is almost 2x's bigger than our old house. I am a huge fan of the gigantic kitchen and, the gas stove. Kadee loves the master bed/bath. I threw some other pics of the move in as well, so enjoy them.
School finished up for me yesterday, I finished EMTA103(class part)with a 3.5, EMTA104(hands on)with a 4.0 and, EMTA112(clinical)4.0. I thank you all for your prayers as it was a long semester as my wife will agree to. It was kind of a bummer not going to class this morning but, im doing ok. We have dinner with our class tonight as one last gathering. Graduation is Mon, @200pm on campus, and that should be fun. Our academy has a surprise for the instructors. I should be able to sign up for my Boards this week and take it next week, then God willing I should have my Licence by the middle of may. This will allow me to apply at Mercy Ambulance, and Lansing Fire Dept to get a job.
Other than that, life has been pretty good. Church is going well, we are part of Life Group 27, the coolest one at Cedar Street. Our Shepard and his wife just had their 4thor5th child, so congrats to Rob And Jenn, Mindi finds out on Fri if they are having a boy or girl. Kadee and I will find out if we are having a boy or girl like in 3 years so dont hold your breath. Not that we dont want children, we just want to enjoy being married for awhile. Now some have told me to wait till we are 30+ but, yea sorry not going to do that. We realize that we will never be fully ready to have children, but can at least have things like school done, and useless debt gone and go from there. Other than that not a whole lot has gone on in life, for as many bad things that have happened to us in these first 6 months, I still must say that Kadee and I are still very blessed. We have a great new home, a nice new car, and great families and friends. So what more could we ask for. Till next time later gaters
School finished up for me yesterday, I finished EMTA103(class part)with a 3.5, EMTA104(hands on)with a 4.0 and, EMTA112(clinical)4.0. I thank you all for your prayers as it was a long semester as my wife will agree to. It was kind of a bummer not going to class this morning but, im doing ok. We have dinner with our class tonight as one last gathering. Graduation is Mon, @200pm on campus, and that should be fun. Our academy has a surprise for the instructors. I should be able to sign up for my Boards this week and take it next week, then God willing I should have my Licence by the middle of may. This will allow me to apply at Mercy Ambulance, and Lansing Fire Dept to get a job.
Other than that, life has been pretty good. Church is going well, we are part of Life Group 27, the coolest one at Cedar Street. Our Shepard and his wife just had their 4thor5th child, so congrats to Rob And Jenn, Mindi finds out on Fri if they are having a boy or girl. Kadee and I will find out if we are having a boy or girl like in 3 years so dont hold your breath. Not that we dont want children, we just want to enjoy being married for awhile. Now some have told me to wait till we are 30+ but, yea sorry not going to do that. We realize that we will never be fully ready to have children, but can at least have things like school done, and useless debt gone and go from there. Other than that not a whole lot has gone on in life, for as many bad things that have happened to us in these first 6 months, I still must say that Kadee and I are still very blessed. We have a great new home, a nice new car, and great families and friends. So what more could we ask for. Till next time later gaters
Friday, March 14, 2008
Well what do I start with?
Well as the title stated, what do I start with............lets get the bad news out. The roof is leaking again, not like it use to but, the WHOLE expando unit is pouring. My question is how do you talk with a "pro" about the poor work he did and then remind him that he came back 3 times to fix it and it is not correct yet. I dont know how I did it last night, but God helped me hold my temper and kindly ask for our money back, which is taking place today.(please forgive me, Ill believe it when it happens.) Now with that done, I passed the first part of the Academy!!! I received a 91.5% on my written to end me with a 92 over all in 101, and scored 100's on all 4 parts in 102 to end with a 98%. Wow I have never done so well in school before, thanks God and Kadee. Our move is going....well I guess, we have a lot of our stuff out and in the new place, we just have to get our big stuff today and sat. Just because we are dorks we have been taking pics of the move from start to finish. We should have them up next week when we finish. Other than that work has been work for both of us. Even though everyone told us that the first 6 months are horrible, and you fight all the time, I still have yet to see any of it come out in us. Now dont get me wrong, I am glad we dont fight like cats and dogs, but it made me wounder about all the advice we received. All most everyone that had problems and said it wasnt worth it, I noticed were not Christians, and only one of my friends that is had told us how bad it was to be married. So all I can come up with is that only by Gods grace and our faithfulness to put Him first in all we do as a hubby and wife is why it has been a little bit easier. Life is not perfect by any means, but we know that at the end of the day we are still best friends in Gods care. See you all later
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Busy Weekend
Ok so here are pics of the outside of the new house and all the packing that we have done so far. In case anyone knows anyone who wants to buy a thing or two here is what we have for sale:
A White 5month old fridge, a black 5month old microwave, 2 in the window air conditions, and a couch, love seat, arm chair, coffee table, end table, and table lamp. If interested please let us know!!!:D Thanks and God Bless!! Love, The Kidds
A White 5month old fridge, a black 5month old microwave, 2 in the window air conditions, and a couch, love seat, arm chair, coffee table, end table, and table lamp. If interested please let us know!!!:D Thanks and God Bless!! Love, The Kidds
Monday, February 25, 2008
New Update
Well sorry it has been a while, let me get right in to it. The roof guy called me, it has only taken 2 months of leaking and finally a stern mesg, but he came out and finished the work. This was then followed up by a new spot starting to leak. All I can say is blessed be the name of the LORD.(sometimes it is easier than others.) Work for Kadee is......well..... it pays the bills, that is how we look at it for now. Classes are going well for me, In EMTA 101 I have a 89%, 102 I have a 96.67% and, in 112, 100% so I think i will do fine. I am learning so much it is great, I cant wait to work full time this spring. I really don't know what I will do when I get my first pay check. It will be more than 4 years with out a full time pay this spring and, I don't know what I will do. I told Kadee after our Tithe that I was taking her shopping, she spoils me like crazy so I guess it will be my turn. We have checked out 2 small groups at Church and have maybe 2 more to go to, but i think we will go with the first group we went to. Other than that life is the same, in bed around 9 and up around 630 for class. The dog is doing well, he is sitting at my feet as I type, what a life he has. I think I should have some pics up from this weekends water training up soon so check in for them later. see ya
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Ok so the first thing I have to say is I am so sick and tired of winter....
Ok now that I have spoke my peace I can continue:D So today I had a day off(thur) because I have to work this Sat.:( O well so after Matt went to class I decided I needed to clean the fish tank. Then I decided I was bored and praise the Lord Matt called just after I told my mom I was bored!!!:) Matt came home and we had lunch and then went out to Kroger and Walmart, for a few things we needed. Then we came home and took a little nap and then due to the instant snow fall yesterday matt did a little shoveling(pics to follow) We don't have to much instore tonight, just working out at the firestation and then watching a little tv and off to bed for work tomorrow!! Well I will post the pics and give you a little taste of the day. God Bless until next time...
Kadee Kidd
Ok now that I have spoke my peace I can continue:D So today I had a day off(thur) because I have to work this Sat.:( O well so after Matt went to class I decided I needed to clean the fish tank. Then I decided I was bored and praise the Lord Matt called just after I told my mom I was bored!!!:) Matt came home and we had lunch and then went out to Kroger and Walmart, for a few things we needed. Then we came home and took a little nap and then due to the instant snow fall yesterday matt did a little shoveling(pics to follow) We don't have to much instore tonight, just working out at the firestation and then watching a little tv and off to bed for work tomorrow!! Well I will post the pics and give you a little taste of the day. God Bless until next time...
Kadee Kidd
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Super Bowl Sunday
Hey everyone how has it been? Not a lot has changed here, we are just getting ready for the big game. Kadee and I have called the game so tune in to see who was closest. (Matt: Pats:28-17/Kadee:Pats:35-28) Class is still going well, we are moving along very fast. We are 13 plus chapters in to the book already. I still hope to pull out of it with a 4.0. Ill keep you all up to date on my classes. Work has been pretty stressful for Kadee but, she made it through the week and spent the weekend with me. Sat we went and shared in our Godsons 1st b-day. We had such a great time and will have pics up soon. Well thats it for now see you all later
Sunday, January 27, 2008
So Scrapy doesn't bark....
Ok so I know you all dont think that Scrapy can make noise, but he went crazy. He started to bark, yes I said bark and we cought it on tape. Enjoy as I am still trying to take in the fact that he did this.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Hello friends and family and welcome to our new family blog. Kadee and I would like to share our lives as one with you and let you all know the goings on here. We invite you to join our family as we take on life one day at a time and, see what God has instore for us.
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