Monday, August 18, 2008

Whats new...

Lets see, not much has happened since we last posted, umm Matt is working pretty good hours, so weeks its over 70 and other weeks its about 24, but he gets called in a lot so that helps bring him up to full time hours!!! :D We are very thankful for this job that God blessed us with. As of right now we have placed our house up for sale and are waiting on God's direction as to where to move!! I am still working for pharmacy plus and I have been there for almost 11 months, its been a little stressful lately but God has opened up a chance for me to have an interview with Sparrow Regional Medical Supply in the billing dept, which is a set schedule and no weekends or holidays!!! So please say a prayer as to whatever God wants that where I will go. Mary Kay is going ok a little slow right now, but then I don't have much time to put into it right now. Besides I have come down with the common cold, so I sound pretty horrible, and therefore do not really want to make lots of phone calls to see if anyone wants a free facial!!! So if you would like a free facial let me know and I would love to set up a time to get together and meet with you!!!
Other than that nothing much is going on, just work, work and more work!!! :D
God Bless you all!!
Love, Kadee

1 comment:

DreadyJon said...

Heyyy guys, what's up? I miss you both like crazy, even though I didn't see Kadee as much as I did Matt.

Sucks we didn't have a chance to hang out again before I left for Cali, but I'll definitely make a trip out to Lansing once I get back to Michigan in December.

Anyway, dude, gimme a call some time, just keep in mind that I'm three hours behind you guys so don't be givin' me no 8am wake-up calls!